Marianne Coutts, Presence: Drawing Symposium 2021, National Centre of Drawing, National Art School, Sydney 2021

Body Languages of Care, Boutwell Schabrowsky Gallery, Munich 2021  info I pdf

In the Community Gardens, Austrian Horticultural Museum, Vienna 2019  info I pdf

Alexandra M. Löff, Anita Fricek, Österreichisches Gartenbaumuseum 05.06.2019, ,In den Gemeinschaftsgärten'  info I pdf

Nicole Scheyerer, Wenn Nachbarn ihre Gartenkrallen zücken, FALTER 24/2019 vom 12.06.2019

In the Community Gardens, Chrissie Cotter Gallery, Sydney 2018  info I pdf

Virginia Webb, Department of Anthropology, School of People, Environment and Planning, Massey University, NZThe meanings of community gardens, Chrissie Cotter Gallery, Sydney 2018  info I pdf

From Flowers to Gardens, Patti and Rusty Rueff Galleries, Purdue University, West- Lafayette, USA 2016  info I pdf

Art, Aesthetics, and Philosophy, International Conference, Purdue University September 30-October 1, 2016  info I pdf

Art, Aesthetics, and Philosophy, International Conference, Purdue University September 30-October 1, 2016,-french-philosophers-will-focus-on-art-at-conference.html

Anita Fricek, Kinderporträts, Sternstudio Gallery, Vienna 2014

An Institutional Cartography, Scenes from Emmi Pikler’s Lóczy Orphanage, Peloton Gallery, Sydney 2012  info I pdf

Stephen Zepke, Anita Fricek: Contemporary Painting as Institutional Critique, in: Deleuze and Contemporary Art, Edinburgh University Press, 2010  info I pdf 

Stephen Zepke, Anita Fricek: Contemporary Painting as Institutional Critique, in: Deleuze and Contemporary Art, Edinburgh University Press, 2010

Walter Seidl, Anita Fricek - The Sound of Your Eyes: Kontrolle der Körper, artmagazine 26.03.2007

Christa Benzer, Null in Betragen! Neue Malerei von Anita Fricek - "the sound of your eyes" - in der Künstlerhauspassage, Der Standard, 28. 03. 2007

Chus Martinez, The True Believer, in: Catalogue essay, The Invisible Insurrection of a Million Minds, Sala Rekalde, Bilbao 2005  info I pdf

Nina Köller, Anita Fricek, Populism, 2005, Website (offline), Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius; National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Frankfurter Kunstverein  info I pdf

SIMULTAN. zwei sammlungen österreichischer fotografie, Museum der Moderne Salzburg 2005; just wait and see what happens, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg 2001; Soho in Ottakring / T19 - Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst, Vienna 1999  info I pdf

European (Union) Women, T19 - Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst, Vienna 1998  info I pdf

Lucas Ihlein, Teasing Out the Nature of ParticipationPostwest # 13, p.29, 30, Sydney  info I pdf

Katharina Pewny and Anita Fricek, SIGNS, VALUES AND SYSTEMS, Institute of Contemporary Art, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna 1993  info I pdf