Pedagogical Models, 2002 - 2007
Kindergarten 1978 (The radical girlie perspective)
Oil on canvas, 2 x 2m
Kindergarten 1978 (The radical girlie perspective)
Öl auf Molino, 2 x 2m
Stephen Zepke, Anita Fricek: Contemporary Painting as Institutional Critique, in: Deleuze and Contemporary Art, Edinburgh University Press, 2010 info I pdf
Walter Seidl, Anita Fricek - The Sound of Your Eyes: Kontrolle der Körper, artmagazine 26.03.2007
Christa Benzer, Null in Betragen! Neue Malerei von Anita Fricek - "the sound of your eyes" - in der Künstlerhauspassage, Der Standard, 28. 03. 2007